Niggaz with knowledge is more dangerous than than niggaz with guns They make the guns easy to get and try to keep niggaz dumb... Thank you For ya Support our Fans By #Team KALI KWA WOTE UNIT Music BAND (KKW.Unit) @ Yes-I & Bizzo Rythms
Hip Hop In Z-town Official
Our Aim
If we put the clock back a few more years to 1997 and take the ferry from Dar es Salaam to the island of Unguja (Zanzibar), local hip hop was mostly centered around a few individuals who all knew each other. There was no music industry to speak of, so the only rap recordings from those days were the live recordings of the ‘Mabishoo’ tape that was all taped on the sound system of Fuji Disco (Bububu, north of Zanzibar town) and a few more home-made albums like a cassette by Kim Pekee, one half of the duo behind ‘Mabishoo’.
Another guy involved with those recordings was Cool Para, who after a first rap effort went on to form his own rap group called Struggling Islanders together with Cool Muza, Haji and female emcees SJ & Aunt Suria. They got some funding from the ministry of education to go to the mainland to Soundcrafters studio and record ‘Historia’, a song about the beautiful history of post-revolution Zanzibar and a string of other tunes, which together made up their first album.
Right now the Hip Hop Music in Zanzibar Has taken Over WE 've a lot of Different Artists and Hip Hop Crew and Units. In Reality they are Doin very well in the Music Industry, compare wit Before. This Blog it's Privet Owned and it's hire to Support the Hip Hop Music and Artists with their career.. Lets show them our Support. NOTE THIS BLOG IT'S FOR PROMO ONLY.. Hip Hop 4 life..Hip Hop is the Reality

Friday, August 26, 2011
Brand New Collabo
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Habariiii Zenyu Bhaaaanaaa!!!!! Haina Majotroooo ndiyo Mpango... Basi Kama Vipi Sign in Kwa Passwords hizi hapa 88.2 Coconut Fm ndiyo Station Run The Beat ndiyo Kipindi Starling ni Yorum a.k.a Show 5, Young Tozzy Baaiiiibiiiiiii.....
Anasema, Nimezaliwa Kwa Jemedari Karume, It's tha Z-town usiulize Kwengine, Amma Zanzibarian Gangstar.... .... ..... Daimn ni Noumer xana xasa huyu Jamaa.. Msome pande za 507 Impalla...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Na hii ni kutoka Kali Kwa Wote Unit tena.. Wale majemedari wa Muziki wa Hip Hop Kutoka Kali Kwa Wote Unit.. Kwa mara nyingine wanawaleta kwenu Yes...i... na Bizzo Rythms wakashirikiana na Tha Big Prod. Aloynem Kutoka Jupiter Records Zanzibar wanakinukisha na Mzigo wao Mpya unaokwenda Kwa jina la WE RUN THESE CITYS THE PLACE WHERE WE BORNE... A-town & Z-town.. It's realy hot Baibyyyyy!!!!!! Dont miss this hire...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
It's another time Ladies & Gents Huu ndio Ulivyo anza Ufunguzi Wetu wa ZIFF.. Tulianza na Oliver "Tuku" Mtukudzi is a Zimbabwean Musician born September 22, 1952 in Highfield, Harare Kakamua Bonge La Shooo!!!! Moja Kali saaaana Duh!! Yeah!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Hii Ni katika Muendelezo wa Burudani Ndani ya Zanzibar.. Ni Party after Party..... Hii ndio June July Jombaaa, Sasa basi Kabla Lile Bata la Fiesta Haina Majotrooo Kukushukia July 24, 2011 tunaanza na ZIFF tarehe 24 June, 2011 msanii wa Miondoko ya Dancehall Orville Richard Burrell a.k.a Shaggy atadondoka na Bonge la Show
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Z- Town Mko Tayariiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... Ni wale wale The Prime Time Promotion (88.2 Coconut Fm, 88.4 Clouds Fm na Clouds Tv ) Kumdondosha Shaggy ndani ya Zanzibar International Fillam Festival tarehe 24 - 06 - 2011...
Brothers & Sisters... Ladies & Gents.. Ni wakati Mwingine tena wa kuwapa Tuzo Wanamuziki wetu Ma Mziki Zanzibar.. Ni Siku ya Ijumaa ya Terehe 10 - 06 - 2011.. Pale Salama Hall Bwawani Hotel.. Njooni tuwapongeze masanii wetu kwa Kazi nzuri wanazozifanya..
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mpigie Kura King Pozza, Ili aweze Kushinda Tuzo za Zanzibar Music Award 2011. Jinsi ya Kumpigia Kura Follow me..
Friday, May 13, 2011
Oooyooo!!! WAle wa Hip Hop Mko tayariiiiiii..... Ni wakati Mwingine tena Wa yes...i... & Bizzo Rythms Kudrop na Mzigo Mwingine, Unaokwenda Kwa Jina la Snichers na Heters.. Kazi imefanyika Jupiter Records Chini ya the Super Producer Aloneym .. Follow me..
It's another time Brothers and Sisters.. Hire Now its Zanzibar Music Award 2011 ... Zanzibar Stand up!!! Mpigie Kura Aloynem Kama Producer Bora wa Mwaka .. Follow me.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mussa Chombo Rk.. Dah!! Huyu jamaa ni Noumer... Huwa yeye kila kukicha anafikiria ni jinsi gani ataufanya Mziki wake usonge Mbele Zaidi . Mfuatilie Super Star huyu wa Hip Hop in Zanzibar..
Monday, May 9, 2011
Bizzo Rythms & Langa ndani ya Jupiter Rec Zanzibar.... Harakati zinasonga..
Its time now Yes...i... , Bizzo Rythms & Langa.. si unajua tena Marevolution ndio Mpango.. Ndani ya Jupiter Rec katika Mzungumzo.. Movement ziendelee..
Friday, May 6, 2011
Je !! Unawafahamu washkaji wanaokwenda kwa jina la Dj Master Feda Na Lab 1?!! Hawa ni watu muhimu saana katika kuinua Mziki wa Hip Hop hapa Zenji.. Dj Master Feda Ni Dj naPreseter na Lab 1 ni Producer Wafuatilie hapa..
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Master E a.k.a The Element a.k.a Presider.. Or mwite Master E Babyiiiiiiiii!!!!
Dj Choka a.k.a Mr. Apetite.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
And this is .... Aloneym Touchaz The Super Produser in Jupiter Records Zanzibar...
Brod's & Sist's we cant Talk Hip Hop in Z-Town without to Menton Dj Side.. Hire is his Biogaphy

Said Abdalla Said is his real name grown up with five sisters and three brothers, Said’s fathers name is Abdalla who is originated from Oman and his mother is Raya who is also originated from Oman.
The name Dj Side is very famous in Zanzibar town area because of the efforts Side him self build.
Side started his professional life by taking a course to do the thing, which attracted him the most and became a Disc Jockey (DJ), then he became a radio presenter .Dj Side is said to be among the best on the Isles. His talents are acknowledged by the young and the old but, unfortunately, his close relatives frown at his rare natural gifts.